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The invasion of Sweden

Started by Septimus, 24 October, 2009, 14:28:37

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D-dag på de svenske kyster er sat til d. 30 oktober, og invasionen vil finde sted frem til 1. november.

Der er ialt, inklusiv den danske invasionsstyrke, 35 hold til den svenske holdturnering i Borås. Hvert hold består af 4 mand, og kaptajnen fra hvert hold har til opgave at paire sine spillere mod det andet holds spillere.

Der må kun være 1 af hver race (undtagen marines som der må være 2 af), og jeg har selv valgt daemons.

Daemons er ikke lige kendt for at være den hotteste turneringshær, men jeg har valgt den af den ganske praktiske årsag at jeg skal spille daemons til EC turneringen ugen efter, og jeg ikke kan nå at male 2 hære op på 8 dage...  :)

Desuden fandt jeg frem til en daemon liste som er så konkurrencedygtig som det kan lade sig gøre uden AS, og stadig formår at være klassificeret som "relativt flink" ifølge det svenske AS-system (som er rimeligt tilgiveligt, især over for de daemon units jeg har med i min hær  ;)).

Resten af holdet består af: Simon Darre med marines, Stefan Brammer med marines, og Peter Juhl med nids.

Min egen liste er her:

Slaanesh herald + unholy might + chariot + musk

3*6 fiends + 1 unholy might

4*5 plague bearers

2*12 flesh hounds + 1 fury of khorne

1*10 flesh hounds + 1 fury of khorne

1500 point, Comp score 46 (ca. 50 anses for at være flinkt og velafbalanceret) :)

Første wave består af: herald + 2 fiends + 2 plague bearers + (10) hounds

Så er der mulighed for cover bag 2 units plague bearers hvis der ikke er nok area terrain jeg kan deepstrike ned i.

Land raiders er stadig noget pis at løbe ind i, og units med højere I (læs: genestealers...), men der er ikke noget der slipper afsted med at stikke af fra den her liste - og der er potentiale for 217 S5 I5 attacks fra tur 3 af, hvoraf de 124 er rending  :)

Så skal jeg bare sørge for at blive paired udenom land raider spam lister (forventer jeg ikke at se pga. AS'et, og jeg regner med at jeg kan torrente 1), og nids.

Jeg vil prøve at få taget nogle billeder derovre fra, så folket kan se hvordan det går - vi regner naturligvis med at ende på bord 1  ;D
På trods af at svenskerne var rimeligt vilde til ETC 2009, samt 2 franske, og 1 tysk hold med indtil flere spillere som også deltog til ETC 2009...  :P

PS: som Peter så smukt udtrykte det - lad os skåle i svenskernes blod!
Min blog: Best served cold

How fun are Dark eldar? Like duct taping a hundred knives to a bicycle and riding it through a children's playground and then crashing into a tree.


Bloodcrushers er ret propulære. Hvordan kan det være at du ikke har taget nogen af dem med i din liste?
In the criminal justice system of Gotham City the people are represented by three separate, yet equally important groups. The police who investigate crime, the district attorneys who prosecute the offenders, and the goddamn Batman.
These are their stories.


Det er der flere årsager til.

Først skal man lige se på hvad man får når man napper en bloodcrusher:

MEGA SEJ statlinie! 3+/5++ save, power weapons etc. what's not to like?

Lige indtil man kommer til movement... som er det samme som normalt inf.

Det der sker er at de deepstriker, står og glor en hel tur, og så kan de endelig bevæge sig fremaf, hvis de da ikke er blevet skudt til slagger af alt modstanderens AT fire, som jo lige så godt kan skyde dem når de nu ikke har nogle vehicles at gå efter (medmindre der er et par soulgrinderes i hæren).

Hvis de endelig får lov at bevæge sig frem, så gør de det ikke hurtigere end folk kan flytte sig væk fra dem, medmindre man laver nogle risky deepstrikes (som selvfølgelig kan gøres relativt sikre med icons, men det kræver at man får dem ned før crushers, og det increaser de allerede dyre crushers pointcost).

Det en bloodcrusher røre ved siger SPLAT!!!! Altså lige med undtagelse af dreadnoughts, wraithlords og den slags, bare én lille 100 points dread er nok til at låse og grinde crushers i resten af spillet.


10 point billigere end crushers, knap så sej statlinie, men de er cavalry, har rending, og skræmmende mange attacks på et charge.

Mine erfaringer med fiends er at en halv til hel unit fiends (4-6) flår ALT i stykker, selv landraiders kan de torrente, dreads  bliver poofed, og de er hurtige nok til at fange , og skade, både vehicles og skimmers som ellers normalt er daemon hærens achilleshæl.

Jeg lægger nogle billeder ind fra turneringen lidt senere, så kan du se hvorfor daemon cavalry ofte vil være at foretrække frem for crushers.

Særligt en af mine kampe illustrere det bedre end jeg kan forklare via ren tekst  :)
Min blog: Best served cold

How fun are Dark eldar? Like duct taping a hundred knives to a bicycle and riding it through a children's playground and then crashing into a tree.


Hvordan gik det??

Det lyder fedt med en sådan turnering. Kunne også være fedt hvis du fortæller hvilke hære Simon og de andre havde med, og hvordan deres kampe/matchups gik.
Quote from: Thraundil on 18 June, 2019, 15:34:19
Vindicaren siger bare fuck af. Og somme skyder han et nyt pishul i en knight - det føles dejligt, og kan ikke ignoreres.


Jeg failer totalt til at lægge billeder direkte ind i tråden, nogen der har forstand på det?

Har læst "hvordan lægger man billeder ind" tråden, i General debat, men den omtaler kun Photobucket, og jeg bruger Picasa, hvor jeg ikke kan se noget der ligner et "direct link".

Nå, men her er pics fra turen - mine spil var ofte de længste, da folk brugte laaaang tid på at tænke over hvad de skulle gøre mod daemons, og 3 af mine spil varede til tur 7 ... enjoy  :)

Der komme detaljerede beskrivelser af kampe og lister senere, men orker ikke at finde alle lister, og modstander lister lige nu - det var en hård uge op til weekendens turnering, og vi kom først hjem søndag aften, så jeg er rimeligt basket idag.

Min blog: Best served cold

How fun are Dark eldar? Like duct taping a hundred knives to a bicycle and riding it through a children's playground and then crashing into a tree.



  • Højre klik på et billede du har i picsaweb biblioteket

  • vælg kopier link adresse eller noget tilsvarende.

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Linjen kunne f.eks. se sådan her ud:


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Jeg vil prøve at splitte pics op så de passer med omtale af hvert enkelt spil.

EDIT: nogen der kan fortælle mig præcis hvad man skal klikke for at kopiere det ind i tråden?

Jeg har prøvet "kopier webadresse" under online handlinger i selve albummet.

I det "offentlige album", kan jeg se noget der hedder "åben hyperlink" - det virkede heller ikke for mig.

Der står .jpg til sidst i det link JoeSmokem har sat ind, hvor finder man det?

Min blog: Best served cold

How fun are Dark eldar? Like duct taping a hundred knives to a bicycle and riding it through a children's playground and then crashing into a tree.


En mulighed er at finde dit billede derinde selv (husk at det skal være billedet, og ikke en thumbnail af det), højreklikke, vælge "Egenskaber" og så markere billedets direkte adresse (URL).
Du er nu holdt op med at trække vejret uden at tænke over det.




Tak til Ablabab og JoeSmokem - free cookies for you!  :)

Vores første kollektive tanke da vi så det skilt da vi rullede ind i Borås var:




Hvad var det nu lige vi havde rodet os ud i her...  :P

PS. Vi passerede "Bollebygd" på vej hjem fra Sverige...
Min blog: Best served cold

How fun are Dark eldar? Like duct taping a hundred knives to a bicycle and riding it through a children's playground and then crashing into a tree.



Jeg har desværre ingen billeder af mit eget game fra runde 1, men her er Simon ved at SMADRE en necronspiller til ukendelighed  :)

Det her er tur 3-4 stykker i Peter's spil mod eldar i runde 1, jeg mener han fik kæmpet sig frem til en draw.

Her er Stefan's Crimson Fists ved at gangbange Tau's venstre flanke i runde 1.

Og snart også højre  :P

Listerne de andre på holdet stillede var:

Simon Darre's Tormentors:

Pedro Kantor

8 assault termies med TH/SS

8 bikes + attack bike + 2 melta + 1 MM + power fist

10 Tacticals 190pts
Powerweapon, meltabomb, Flamer, Rocket Launcher.
Rhino 35pts

10 Tacticals 195pts
Powerfist, Flamer, Rocket Launcher.
Rhino 35pts

Autocannon, Lascannons
Auticannon, Lascannons

Stefan's Crimson Fists:

Junior assistant Librarian Castillio
Terminator armour and stormshield
Null zone, Warp rift

Assault terminator squad Saviors of Escobar IV  
Sgt. Sanchez
5x SH/TH

Tactical Squad Benedictus "The Merciless"
Sgt. Rico
8x bolters
1 flamer
1 lascannon

Tactical Squad Aurelius "Dorn's Avengers"
Sgt. Vidal
8x bolters
1 flamer
1 lascannon

Tactical Squad Mordrius "The Watchmen"
Sgt. Esteban
8x bolters
1 flamer
1 lascannon

Whirlwind Prudence

Landspeeder squadron "Harrier"
2x landspeeders with MM/HF

Landspeeder squadron "Raptor"
2x landspeeders with MM/HF

scout sqaud
Sgt. Higueras
4x Shotgun
1 power weapon / bolt pistol

Landspeeder Storm "Tempest"
Heavy flamer

Peter's nids:

2*Hive tyrant + venom cannon + toxin sacs + scything talons (2x-7)

3* tyranid warrior brood: 2 warriors with rending claws and scything talons, 1 warrior with 2x scything talons

3 x Lictor (+10)

11x spinegaunts -1

8x stealers: feeder tendrils -3

8x stealers -1

8x stealers -1

8x stealers -1

11 gargoyles +6

carnifex with Toxic Miasma, Implant, WS, BS, T, Regenerate, Spineback, A & Venom Cannon (-11)

Stefan's marines kunne godt få en tand eller 2 mere oomph! Men det skyldes at det er en IASL 15 hær som skal spilles til EC næste weekend...  :)

Simon's liste er en solid liste som ikke får de store problemer næsten uanset hvad han møder, og han har ikke mindst erfaring med listen.

Peter's nids er bestemt ikke optimal, den er lavet med henblik på at score højt i comp, hvad den også gjorde - desværre kunne den næsten intet in-game, og comp gav for lidt til at det rykkede noget.

Efter 5 games med denne daemon liste kan jeg konkluderer at daemon cavalry er scary, MEGET scary! Flere af mine modstandere sagde efter spillet at de virkelig havde problemer, pga. den enorme potentielle threat-range.
Desværre er hæren ekstremt skrøbelig, fremover vil jeg prøve at skifte 10 hounds ud med 1 soulgrinder, min eneste bekymring er at samtlige AT weapons vil pege på den til den poofer.
Hvorfor grinder og ikke en prins? Fordi prinsen er for langsom i forhold til resten af hæren, medmindre han får vinger, og de er MONSTER dyre!

Og pga. den her:

Min blog: Best served cold

How fun are Dark eldar? Like duct taping a hundred knives to a bicycle and riding it through a children's playground and then crashing into a tree.


Lækre billeder septimus!

Glæder mig til at høre om hvordan det gik de andre runder.
Blive bare ved med at poste, jeg kigger med.

ps: super sej soulgrinder
Quote from: Thraundil on 18 June, 2019, 15:34:19
Vindicaren siger bare fuck af. Og somme skyder han et nyt pishul i en knight - det føles dejligt, og kan ikke ignoreres.


Jeg skriver herfra batreps på engelsk, da der er et par stykker derude som er interesseret i at høre om dette, men ikke kan dansk ... tsk tsk ...

Round 1: Team Execrators vs. team wh40k30+

Their lists:

Kapten : Örjan Rosengren Chaos marines

DaemonPrince 150 (-9)
Mark of Nurgle

DaemonPrince 150 (-9)
Mark of Nurgle

Greaterdaemon 100 (-5)

3x Chaosterminators 125 (-6)
2x combimelta

Chaosdread 105 (-5)
2x CCW

10x Chaosmarines 170 (-3)

10x Chaosmarines 175 (-3)

4+1 Chaosmarines 100 (-2)

Defiler 150 (-5)
Defiler 150 (-5)

Vindicator 125 (-5)

Per-Ola Richardsson Necron

1500, startkomp 115 (necrons)

300 (-25)

10+10+10+10 necron warriors
720 (-4)

6 pariahs
216 (+6)

5 Immortals
140 (-5)

3+3+3 scarabs, (3 scarabs har disruptionfields)
120 (0)

Totalt 1496p (komp 87)

Fredrik Götesson Tau Komp 54

XV8 Shas'el AFP, Flamer, BS-filter 77 -3

XV8 Shas'ui TL Missile pod, Plasma rifle, Targeting array, HW Multi-tracker -2
XV8 Shas'ui TL Plasma rifle, Targeting array -2
XV8 Shas'ui TL Missile pod, Targeting array -2

XV8 Shas'ui TL Missile pod, Plasma rifle, Targeting array, HW Multi-tracker -2
XV8 Shas'ui TL Plasma rifle, Targeting array -2
XV8 Shas'ui TL Missile pod, Targeting array -2

12x Fire Warrior 'la Pulse rifle 120 -1

12x Fire Warrior 'la Pulse rifle 120 -1

11x Fire Warrior 'la Pulse rifle 110 -1

8x Pathfinder 'la Pulse C./ Marker
Devilfish Burst cannon, 2x Gun Drone, Landing gear, Disruption pod -5

7x Pathfinder 'la Pulse C./ Marker
Devilfish Burst cannon, 2x Gun Drone, Landing gear, Disruption pod -5

XV88 'ui TL Railgun, SMS, Shield generator 90 -2

XV88 'ui TL Railgun, SMS, BS Filter 73 -2

Hammerhead Railgun, 2x Burst cannon, Landing gear, 170 -8
Targeting array, Multi-tracker, Disruption pod, BS Filter -4  

Patrik Jansson

Avatar 155

9 Howling Banshees 144
Exarch+Executioner 22
Acrobatic 5
Wave Serpent 90
TW-link Bright Lance 45

8 Striking Scorpions 128
Exarch 12
Claw 15
Shadowstrike 20  

8 Dire Avengers 96

8 Dire Avengers 96

10 Wraithguards 350
Warlock, Spiritseer 31
Conceal 15

2 Warwalker 60
4 Scatterlaser 60

Wraithlord 90
Bright Lance 40
Missile Launcher 25

We (I  :P) lost the roll-off for pairings - the winner decides who is going to put forth 2 players first (the other team then get to choose a table), then it's the other team's turn to put forth 2 players. In short, the winner gets to choose 3 pairings out of 4.

We decided on Simon's Tormentors to be the first list, which they countered with their weakest list (the necrons).
I think Simon forced a phase-out on the necron player in turn 3-4 and earned us a 20-0 win.

Stefan's Crimson Fists was our list 2, which they countered with the Tau list - Stefan won the game but I don't remember the exact points.

Their turn: they chose the eldar list and we countered with Peter's nids as I didn't care which list I got to play against and Peter felt he had the best chance vs. the eldar list. I think he earned us a draw in this game.

Round 1: Septimus vs. Kapten : Örjan Rosengren Chaos marines

HAH! Losing the first roll-off was a cunning plan to ensure that I won the roll-off for 1st turn, and of course I forced him to go first.

Sadly I have no pics of the table - it was very crowded with terrain but that didn't really favor either list as he could shoot anyway (no completely LOS blocking terrain).

Deployment: pitched battle

Mission: modified capture and control - and nominate one enemy unit which counts as another obj. if killed.

His deployement as seen from my side of the board, left to right:

7 CSM on the 2nd floor in a building close to the corner, 10 CSM on the ground floor in the same building, vindicator, 4 termies on the 1st floor in a building in the middle, 2 princes, defiler, dread, 10 CSM on a hill (just above his obj. and I nominated these guys) and a defiler.
My deployment:

I got my preferred wave and dropped 2 unit of fiends and the herald on my right flank in various woods and buildings, dropped a plague bearer unit in a wood fairly close to his obj. but outside rapid fire range - a 12 hound unit also dropped on the right flank but scattered 10-12" back.
I dropped another plague bearer unit in a wood on my left flank just above my own obj. (wood was on a hill).

Turns 1-3: he was shooting away at my daemons and I moved my units in for the kill - my biggest concern was the dread in the middle backed by the 2 princes and a defiler behind those guys...

Lucky for me he took the bait and charged the dread into my plague bearers in the wood close to his obj. and I countered with the herald and a cc phase later a fiend unit poofed the dread after a hit and run and another charge. Lost the herald in the process though as he charged in with his princes.

Until now I had only endured acceptable loses even though I hadn't hurt much of his army I got rid of the dread - but then I took a punch which I struggled to recover from for the rest of the game.

I charged 6 fiends onto the hill next to his obj. with the 10 CSM I had nominated - and then he told me hills were difficult terrain.... 10 CSM hitting first on crappy-save fiends =  :-\
Only 3 survivors and they couldn't generate enough kills to win that fight.  

Turns 4-6: he had nominated my 10 hound unit as his obj., which I placed on my left flank as far away as possible and hid for most of the game in a building.
Another plague bearer unit dropped on my own obj. and the last plague bearers dropped close to his.  

His princes stayed within terrain in a building in the middle of the board, so I had to get rid of them somehow as they could fly far enough to reach my obj. with a run move.
I charged in with a 12 hound unit which they cut to pieces because of warp time and hitting first.

Then I jumped them with another 12 hound unit and my 3rd fiend unit - and killed both of them.

Late game: he ran forward with 17 CSM on his right flank towards my obj. the vindicator and the termies sneaked forward too and the vindicator was in position to make a 12" move and contest my obj. by turn 5.

I charged the vindicator with the 4 fiends who survived fighting the princes, and exploded the vindie, which killed 2 fiends... lolz  :)

Termies charged the fiends but the fiends hit first and caused 2 rending and a normal wound - and he failed all 3 saves! The fiends ran the termie down.

2 CSM units were also getting uncomfortably close to my obj. so I had to charge the 10 man squad with my 10 nominated hounds into terrain - to have a chance of him not killing all of them before they could hit back I moved a decimated plague bearer unit away from my obj. and charged them in too (to lock as many CSM as possible).

I won the fight and my hounds survived.

Meanwhile on my right flank I distracted him with a plague bearer unit and a few hounds, which survived fighting the princes.

The game ended in a draw. A very very close fight where I struggled to fight from turn 2-7.

Lesson learned: I'll give my left nut for frags on my fiends, possibly the right too!

Plague bearers can take an unbelievable amount of abuse, 2 defilers, 1 vindie, 4 termies (1 with reaper AC), and several lasC shots only killed 5 plague bearers over 4 turns of shooting  ;D

If that stupid hill hadn't counted as difficult terrain I'm fairly confident I'd win that game but he was a nice guy so I didn't want to make an issue of it.

I think our opponents had slighty weaker lists than ours even though my teams comp score was better than theirs (which earned us another 3 points and deducted 3 points from their score).
I think their captain was a fairly skilled player, and he did pretty good though I dictated most of the game because of the huge threat range of the hounds and fiends and because he took most of the bait I laid out.

After all 4 games finished we had won round 1: 54-23'ish and was ranked number 4 (34 teams participated)  :)
Min blog: Best served cold

How fun are Dark eldar? Like duct taping a hundred knives to a bicycle and riding it through a children's playground and then crashing into a tree.


Nice! Keep em comming. A good read.
Quote from: Thraundil on 18 June, 2019, 15:34:19
Vindicaren siger bare fuck af. Og somme skyder han et nyt pishul i en knight - det føles dejligt, og kan ikke ignoreres.


Round 2: Team Execrators vs. Lag Husbil

This is the only thing I and the rest of the team have to say about round 2:

Johan Bengtsson (kapten)

Company command squad #75 -2
Plasmagun, Granade launcher, Vox

Chimera #65 -4
Multilaser, Heavy Bolter, Heavy stubber


Platoon command squad #50 -1
3x Granade launchers, Vox

Chimera #65 -4
Multilaser, Heavy Bolter, Heavy stubber

Infantry squad #105 -3
Commisar with Power weapon, Vox, Meltabomb

Infantry squad #65 -1
Meltagun, Meltabomb

Infantry squad #65 -1
Meltagun, Meltabomb

Infantry squad #60 -1
Power weapon

Infantry squad #60 -1
Power weapon

Platoon command squad #50 -1
3x Granade launchers, Vox

Chimera #65 -4
Multilaser, Heavy Bolter, Heavy stubber

Infantry squad #105 -3
Commisar with Power weapon, Vox, Meltabomb

Infantry squad #65 -1
Meltagun, Meltabomb

Infantry squad #65 -1
Meltagun, Meltabomb

Infantry squad #60 -1
Power weapon

Infantry squad #60 -1
Power weapon

Fast attack
Vendetta gunship #140 -8
Heavy boter sponsons

Vendetta gunship #140 -8
Heavy boter sponsons

Vendetta gunship #140 -8
Heavy boter sponsons

vulcan 190 -8

dread 175 -6
heavy flamer
pod 35 -3

10 marines 185 -3,5
rhino 35 -3

10 tacticals 170 -2
flamer -0,5

rhino 35 -3

5 tacticals 100 -2,5

RB 40 -5

5 scouts 90 -1
combimelta -0,5

10 Assmarines 260 -3,5
2 plasmapistols

storm 65 -1
multimelta -0,5

3 attackbikes 120 -5

5 bilar -1
scouts+ storm -1

1500 komp 55

Orcs 1500p komp 50

Warboss #70
Big choppa,, evy armour

Big meck #85 -13
Kustom force field

9x tankbustas #135 +4

19 boyz #149 -6
nob, klo

30 boyz #195 -5
nob, big choppa

24 boyz #154 -4
shootaz, 2x big shootas

10 grots #40 -2

20 storm boyz #280 -8
nob, klo, bosspole

Deffdred #90 -3
2x scorchas, grot riggers

Deffdred #90 -3
2x scorchas, grot riggers

Deffdred #90 -3
2x scorchas, grot riggers

Battlewagon #120 -12
Red paintjob, grot riggers, reinforced ram. big shoota, armour plates

Avatar 155 155 -10

Farseer 55
Runes of Warding 15
Guide 20
Mind War 20
Singing Spear 3 113 -2

8*Fire Dragons 128 128 -3

+ Wave Serpent 90
Twin Shuriken Cannon 10
Spirit Stones 10 110 -5.5

10*Guardians 80
Brightlance 30 110 -3

10*Guardians 80
Brightlance 30 110 -3

10*Guardians 80
Brightlance 30 110 -3

3*Jetbikes 66
Shuriken Cannon 10 76 -3

3*Jetbikes 66
Shuriken Cannon 10 76 -3

Fast Attack
6*Warp Spiders 132
Exarch 12
Add Death spinner 5 149 -3

Heavy Support
2*D-cannons 100 100 -3

2*War Walkers 60
4*Shuriken Cannon 20 80 -3

3*War Walkers 90
6*Scatterlaser 90 180 -7(-9)

Again I cunningly lost the pairing roll-off...  :P

This team had better lists than our round 1 opponents - I think we put Stefan first because he could choose a table that suited his army and then it wouldn't matter much which army he met. They countered with their Vulcan list.

Next was Simon, which they countered with the eldar list.

Then it was their turn to put forth a player - so far we had avoided the IG list, which could really hurt Simon's, Stefan's or Peter's list, so they weren't exactly keen to fight that one. We agreed that if possible I would fight the IG list, and as they hadn't used it yet we could decide which of Peter's and my army got to fight it.

So Peter got to eat orks and I got to fight the IG  :)

At this point we thought this was going to a good round, Peter's nids had a fair chance of drawing or winning vs. the orks.

Orks deploying vs. Peter's nids:

Simon deploying vs. eldar:

A huge clusterfuck of eldar:

Stefan deploying vs. Vulcan marines:

Min blog: Best served cold

How fun are Dark eldar? Like duct taping a hundred knives to a bicycle and riding it through a children's playground and then crashing into a tree.


Johan Bengtsson's IG deploying:

Mission: most scoring troops within 12" circle in the centre of the table.

Deployment: spearhead

While Johan deployed his bazillion guardsmen I toured the other tables and Simon told me to be wary because Johan is a very good player (I think he met him at the ETC tournament).

5-6 other Swedes from various teams came by just to tell me how good Johan is - lucky for me I'm next to impossible to intimidate - even when looking at 100+ guardsmen, 3 ML/HB/HS chims and 3 vends with HB's :)

The table was sprinkled with some woods, and a few ruins and a single long building (don't know why he didn't take that quarter).

Early game: my CUNNING plan was a total success, by failing the pairing roll-off I ensured I would get my preferred wave!

A 1.... ohh well, 2nd wave it is then  :P

My army isn't hurt too much by getting 2nd wave but 1st wave would have been one more cavalry unit on the table.

I had 2 plague bearer units, 12 hounds, 10 hounds and 6 fiends to deploy.

I dropped 1 plague bearer unit in a wood close to the centre of the board, slightly towards my "DZ quarter", the other plague bearer unit in a wood on the IG player's right flank, 12 hounds on my right flank and 10 hounds behind the first plague bearer unit - but they scattered a lot, back towards my own corner.

He shuffled 2 of the vends, and let loose with 6 TL lasC and 4 HB's, the 3rd vend (middle one) he flew flat out straight towards my corner - I'm not sure why as my hound pack which scattered could charge it and even though it would delay them for a turn I gladly took the chance to damage it.

In my turn 3 I charged the 51 man merged squad on my right flank with 6 fiends and 12 hounds - I caused a lot of wounds: 5 rending and about 20 normal, and thought that everything was going to plan.

Then he somehow managed to save most of them on 5+... wtf?!  :o  :)

I tried to hit&run with the fiends but unfortunately I rolled a 6.

That fight continued until his turn 5 where the last 4 survivors massacre moved towards the centre of the table.

During the midgame the rest of my army came in piece meal - my plague bearers in the wood on the IG's right flank got shot up by a gazillion lasbolts, in one shooting phase they took 80+ lasbolts to the face and only a single plague bearer was blasted back in the warp! Go to ground and FNP in combination with T5 =  :D

I lost a fiend unit to concentrated vend + chim + grenade launcher fire and another was mauled (only 2 survivors) before I hit the IG lines during turns 5-7.

Turn 5: I had 3 decimated plague bearer unit's close to the centre, so he drove all 3 chims 12" forward and I charged in with my herald (came down in turn 5), 2 fiends  and a handfull of hounds in turn 6 and only managed to do superficial damage to 1 chim.

He charged his other 50 man squad into my plague bearer units and that fight went on from turns 5-7 - I won all the phases because he could only kill, at most, a single plague bearer from phase to phase but I couldn't get rid of them and my only chance was to explode the PCS chims and hope all of the passengers died.

He won the game 4 scoring units to 3 - I hate to blame a loss on the dice but I think he sacrificed a whole litter of kittens beforehand as he hit like marines, saved like marines and wounded like he had S5 all around  :-\

When his team mate came by in turn 5 and saw how he rolled he exclaimed "you're dice are hot man!" and he responded "yea I just had 2 amazing shooting phases!!!!".

Lessons learned: plague bearers are super tough! If the first game wasn't enough to show this 5 plague bearers from 3 different units held off 51 guardsmen with 12 power weapon attacks on the charge (only 3 sgt's could reach in the first phase when they charged in) for 5 cc phases. Still 3 plague bearers on the table at game end.

Daemon cavalry scare even good players - and scared people make mistakes. Like flying the vend forward (less shots + enduring a charge from a full strength hounds unit).
He did ensure that I couldn't drop behind his lines but with all the killy stuff in the army being cavalry I don't need to make risky deepstrikes behind enemy lines.

There was no terrain on the board where I could get anything out of LOS, I thought a wood on a hill was a wood on a hill, which would have made a difference, but apparently it was just a wood.
My mistake as I should have been sure about it before game start when we discussed the terrain - I just thought it was pretty obvious and therefore not worth mentioning.

Semi-mech guard are just as good as I thougth they would be even though his list could have been better configured.
If he hadn't rolled so well I'm pretty sure he would have regretted not having HF's on his chims.

A word on vends with HB - when you meet someone with a foot army you'll be very glad as an IG player that you threw those points at the HB upgrade for the vends as 3 TL lasC isn't enough to blast inf.

During the whole game I only managed to stun a chim and destroy 1 vend.

My dice snobbing me and his dice being unusually hot aside, it was still a close game and we didn't have any rules discussions whatsoever. Johan was a nice guy, and was gracious enough to say that he should have lost that game and had no idea how his first 51 man squad managed to survive my assault.

Why say that? Because Lag Husbil took the first place for the 2nd year in a row at the end of the tournament, and some people think only jerk waac tournament playing ass-hole players can do that  :)

A comment on the rest of my team from round 2:

The eldar player enacted a battlefield wide holo-field against Simon - and unfortunately even an orbital bombardment, which the eldar player forgot that Pedro has, couldn't hit that clusterfuck.
All 8 TH/SS termies were dead at the end of round 2 in that game...

Stefan vs. Vulcan marines: I think Stefan got a draw, which ought to have been a win but his scouts decided to fail a LD9 test, and a tactical squad managed to do the same thing. TH/SS termies couldn't pass 2+ saves and the Vulcan player got 2 mm of rhino inside objective range.

Peter vs. nids: everything went wrong in this game too.

Maybe the whole frigging team sacrificed a litter of kittens each...  8)

Hmm... where to find some kittens...  ;)
Min blog: Best served cold

How fun are Dark eldar? Like duct taping a hundred knives to a bicycle and riding it through a children's playground and then crashing into a tree.


Round 3: Team Execrators vs. Moonshine Kongoloids

Their lists:

bliss Pär

Daemon Prince @ 155 pts -2
Mark of Slaanesh
Wings -5
Lashehehehe -25

Chaos Lord @ 160 pts
Mark of Slaanesh
Daemonic Steed -3
Pair of Lightningclaws -2

6 Noise Marines @ 215 pts -1
Power Weapon -1
4 Sonic Blasters
Blastmaster -1

6 Noise Marines @ 215 pts -1
Power Weapon -1
4 Sonic Blasters
Blastmaster -1

6 Noise Marines @ 185 pts -1
5 Sonic Blasters
Blastmaster -1

6 Chaos Marines @ 100 pts -2

6 Lesser Daemons @ 78 pts -2

6 Lesser Daemons @ 78 pts -2

6 Havocs @ 160 pts +1
2 Lascanons -4

Obliterator @ 75 pts -5

Obliterator @ 75 pts -5

Komp 41


Poäng: 1499
Komp: 58

Command Squad: 85p / -8
- Power Weapon, Reg. Standard, Melta

6 Ogryns: 305p / -5
- Chimera

10 Storm Troopers: 250p / -3
- Power Weapon, 2 Melta, Chimera

Infantry Command Squad: 40p / -2
- 2 Flamer

Infantry Squad: 112p / -4
- Bolt Pistol, Missile Launcher, Commisar w. Power Weapon

Infantry Squad: 72p / -3
- Bolt Pistol, Lascannon

Infantry Squad: 75p / -3
- LasCannon, Flamer

Heavy Weapon Squad: 80p / -2
- 2 Autocannon, Missile Launcher

Penal Legion Squad: 80p / -2

Hellhound: 145p / -4
- Multimelta

Demolisher: 180p / -8
- Heavy Bolter Sponsons

Griffon: 75p / -4

Moonshine Kongoloids
Andreas Malmqvist
Chaos Daemons 1500 pts

Lord of change 290 pts
- Master of sorcery, Breath of Chaos

3 Flamers of Tzeentch 105 pts

4 Bloodcrushers 185 pts
- Chaos Icon

9 Horrors of Tzeentch 168 pts
- Changeling, Bolt of change

8 Bloodletters 128 pts

8 Bloodletters 128 pts

7 Plaguebearers 130 pts
- Chaos Icon

7 Nurglings

Fast Attack:
8 Fleshhounds 120 pts

Heavy Support:
1 Daemonprince of Nurgle 155 pts
- Mark of Nurgle, Iron Hide, Noxious Touch, Cloud of Flies

Totalt: 1500 pts
Komp: 57

GAST Oskar
big mek, burna, kustom force field, eavy armour, cybork body :120p

19 boyz+nob, shootas, big shootasx2, big choppa, bosspole :150p

19 boyz+nob, rokkitsx2, pover klaw, bosspole :180p

11 boyz+nob, power klaw, bosspole, trukk m rokkit, reiforced ram, grot rigger :162p

12 lootas :180p

11 tankbustas+nob, tankhammers x2, bosspole :195p

da vulcha boyz(storm boyz) 9st+zagstruk :193p

9 kommandos+snikrot, burnasx2 :205p

2 deffkoptas, 1st buzzsaw, 2st rokkits :115p

Again I lost the pairing roll-off...!

Stefan got to fight the orks: early part of the game, Stefan got a solid win.

Peter played Simon's marines vs. the "sister" noise marine army:


Shortly before Peter's assault grinds through the noise marines:

The princess is actually behind the building - just posing for the camera.

Simon played Peter's nids vs. IG: a very tough game, which ended in a draw when Simon only had a fex with a single wound and 3 genestealers left on the table  ;D

I got to fight their daemon player, of course we chose the chaos table  :)

Mission: 4 objectives, 2 placed by each playerm the purplish terminator size bases is his markers, 1 behind the big chaos star terrain and another inside it, I placed my markers as close as possible to the corners on my table edge.

Deployment: who cares about deployment? We're DAEMONS!  :P

As you can probably see from the other games in round 3 it was pitched battle deployment.

First turn: I won the roll-off and forced him to drop first - why when we both played daemons? Because he had 3 flamers, 9 horrors (with Changeling) and a Lord of Change in his list.

Notice how I bait the flamers in the middle with my herald, they can't kill him because he has 5 wounds, the foremost fiend unit is a little too close for comfort because of scattering - and he wisely chose to flame them during his turn 2.

Flamers jumping forward to roast the fiends (2 died) ensured that I got much closer to his lines very fast because I charged in with everything that could reach (2 fiend units and a hound unit).

This is my turn 3, I had to drop a plague bearer unit on my left flank to screen the fiends from the bloodletters and a fleshhound pack (which they didn't quite manage to screen because he got a good difficult terrain roll, but he had to charge through terrain and the fiends ripped them apart before they could strike back).
Pre-charge, everything is moved in position - my herald is hidden just behind the pillar.

CHARGE OF THE BOOB-ELKS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Post-charge: 1.5 nurgling bases survived. I caused 17 wounds, he did 4 - and he had to take 13 saves on every unit involved in the multi-combat.
He told me afterwards that he thought you had to engage as many models as possible from the unit being charged before you could engage other units.
He lost more than half of his army in that cc  8)

Turn 5: he got LoC in turn 4, I thought he had learned the lesson of not going too close to another unit after the big fight in turn 3...

In my turn 5 I wiped out the rest of his army, which was only the horrors and LoC as seen on the pic above.

Lessons learned: not much, I could have said "I'm ze AWESOME! RAWRR!!!" but his list was not very good and he was scared of the long reach of the daemon cavalry.

So round 3 was a success all around and we we're still placed as number 13 out of 34 teams.

My opponent was a very nice guy, and so we're the rest of his team mates - Moonshine Kongoloids was later declared the most sporting team players, and the team with the best team name.
Min blog: Best served cold

How fun are Dark eldar? Like duct taping a hundred knives to a bicycle and riding it through a children's playground and then crashing into a tree.


Round 4:

Team Execrators vs. LBK best of the rest:

David Gustafsson, Andreas Cadelin, Per Svensson, Daniel Leidermark

Witch Hunters

Inq Lord, Powerw, Boltp, Krak/Frag 59 +2
Retinue Guardsman x2 Flamer x2, Familiar 36 -2
Chimera 55 -4

Stormt 5 Meltagun x2 70 -2
Chimera Heavy Flamer 55 -4

Stormt 5 Plasmagun x2 70 -2
Chimera 55 -4

Exorcist 135 -9
Exorcist 135 -9

Inducted Marines
Tactical 10 Missile, Meltag, Powerfist 200 -5
Rhino 35 -3

Tactical 10 Missile, Meltag, Powerfist, Combimelta 210 -6
Droppod 35 -3

Tactical 10 Missile, Flamer, Powerw 185 -3
Razorback MM 40 -5

Assault 5 Powerfist 125 -3


Avatar 155
Yriel 155

Fire Dragon x5 80
Wave Serpent 130
Spirit Stone, EML.

Storm Guardian x10+1 127
2x Flamer, Warlock: Destructor.
Wave Serpent 110
Spirit Stone, Shuriken cannon.

Guardians x12+1 145
Scatterlaser, Spiritseer: Singing spear.

Dire Avenger x8 96
Jetbike x3 66
Jetbike x3 66

Wraithlord 120
Sword, Scatterlaser.

Wraithlord 125
Sword, EML.

Wraithlord 125
Sword, EML.

Space marines

kantor 175

Sternguard x5
2x ML 135

Razorback Twin melta 40

Sternguard x6
2x Plasmaguns
3x Combiplasma 205

Rhino 40

Tactical x 10
Meltagun 210

Razorback Twin melta 40

Tactical x10
Meltagun 220

Droppod 35

Tactical x10
Meltagun 220

Rhino 40

Scouts x5
Combimelta 90

Landspeeder Storm 50

Lista 4: Space wolves

Rune priest 100 (-3) *110
Chooser of the slain 10 (-1), Living lightning (-1), Murderous hurricane (-2)

5 Grey hunters 75 (-2)
Plasmagun 10 *85
Razorback 40 (-4) *40

5 Grey hunters 75 (-2)
Meltagun 5
Wolf guard 18 *98
Razorback 40 (-5)
Multi melta *40

5 Grey hunters 75 (-2)
Meltagun 5
Wolf guard 18
Combi melta 5 (-1) *103
Droppod 35 (-3) *35

8 Grey hunters 120 (-2)
Flamer, Standard 10 (-1)
Wolf guard 18
Power fist 20 (-3) *168
Rhino 35 (-3)
Dozer blade 5, *40

7 Grey hunters 105 (-2)
Meltagun 5
Wolf guard 18
Power weapon 10 (-1) *138
Rhino 35 (-3) *35

5 (10) Wolf guard pack 90
1, terminator armour 15, two wolf claws 15 (-1)
2, terminator armour 15, two wolf claws 15 (-1)
3, terminator armour 15, chain fist 15, heavy flamer 5 (-1)
4, terminator armour 15, power fist 10, combi melta 5 (-1)
5, terminator armour 15, combi melta 5 (-1) *235
Droppod 35 (-3) *35

5 Scouts 75 (-4)
Melta gun 10, (-1)
Wolf guard 18
Power fist 20, combi melta 5 (-4) *128

5 Longfangs 75 (-2)
2 heavy bolters 10, 2 missile launchers 20 (-4) *105

5 Longfangs 75 (-3)
2 heavy bolters 10, 2 missile launchers 20 (-4) *105

For once we won the pairing roll-off (maybe because I didn't roll the die this time).


This pic is taken shortly before Simon bash some wanne-be Kantor marines around with thunderhammers  :)

Stefan vs. DH with marine allies:

This is the early part of the game, Stefan's army couldn't even scrape the paint off that razorback... and a single assault marine was almost unkillable.

Daemons vs. Space Wolves

Early part of the game, the table was very crappy because of a lot of small fences, a big impassable building in the middle, and all my killy units in the first wave (got preferred wave again) scattered almost max distance away from his army.
As you can probably guess my herald mishapped and he got to place him anywhere on the table.

The rest of the game was daemons slooooowly approaching his lines while being shot to pieces. The second wave units had to either make some very risky deepstrikes or choose to walk for at least 2 turns.

I think it ended 13-7 to the wolves.

Stefan lost his game, Peter lost, I lost and our only win was Simon bashing the other Kantor army.
We still got 38 points to the other teams 42 (their comp score was only 15, which meant they had to deduct 8 points and we got to add 8 to our points).
Min blog: Best served cold

How fun are Dark eldar? Like duct taping a hundred knives to a bicycle and riding it through a children's playground and then crashing into a tree.


Round 5: Team Execrators vs. FRÖSCHLI GANG (from Germany, with 1 French stand-in player)

Kayu Orellana

Johan Fenster
Michael Fett
Tupac Orellana


*************** 2 HQ ***************

- Runes of Warding
- Spirit Stones
- Doom
? Fortune
? Guide
- - - > 165 Pts (12 KP)

7 Warlocks
- 2 x Singing spear
- 1 x Embolden
- 1 x Enhance
- - - > 201 Pts (20 KP)

- - - > 155 Pts (15 KP)

*************** 1 Elites ***************

10 Harlequins
- 7 x Harlequin Kiss
- Death Jester
- Shadow Seer
- - - > 226 Pts (11,5 KP)

*************** 4 Troops ***************

10 Guards
? Scatter Laser
? - - - > 95 Pts (2 KP)

10 Guards
- Scatter Laser
? - - > 95 Pts (2 KP)
10 Guards
- Scatter Laser
- - - > 95 Pts (2 KP)

3 Jetbikes
+ Warlock on Jetbike
- Singing Speer
- Embolden
- - - > 119 Pts (2 KP)

*************** 2 Heavy Support ***************

3 Warwalkers
? 6 x Scatter Laser
? - - - > 180 Punkte (7 KP)

- 2 x Flamer
- Sword
- Bright Lance
- - - > 140 Punkte (6 KP)


*************** 1 HQ ***************

Space Marine Librarian
- Null Zone
- The Gate of Infinity
- - - > 100 Pts (8 KP)

*************** 2 Elite ***************

5 Assault Terminators
- 5 x thunder hammer and storm shield
- - - > 200 Pts (10KP)

- heavy flamer
- multi-melta
- close combat weapon
- extra armour
+ Drop Pod
- storm bolter
- - - > 165 Pts (8 KP)

*************** 2 Troops ***************

10 Space Marines
- flamer
- lascannon
- Upgrade zum Sergeant
- 1 x combi-melta
- 1 x power fist
+ - Rhino
- - - > 250 Punkte (11KP)

5 Scouts
- 5 x sniper rifle
- Upgrade zum Sergeant
- - - > 75 Punkte (1KP)

*************** 3 Fast Attack ***************

1 Attack Bike
- - - > 40 Pts (4KP)

3 Attack Bikes
- 2 x multi-melta
- - - > 140 Pts (6KP)

2 Land Speeder
- 2 x heavy bolter
- 2 x Typhoon missile launcher
- - - > 180 Pts (4KP)

*************** 2 Heavy Support ***************

Thunderfire Cannon
- - - > 100 Pts (3KP)

Land Raider
- - - > 250 Pts (15KP)


*************** 1 HQ ***************

Hive Tyrandt
- Enhanced Senses
- Extended Carapace
- Hooks
- Injektor
- 2 x twin linked Devourer
- Psychic Scream
- - - > 152 Pts (15 KP)

3 Tyrantguards
- 1 xWhip
- - - > 135 Pts (6KP)

*************** 3 Elites ***************

1 Liktor
- - - > 80 Pts (0KP)

3 Warriors
- Adrenal Glands (+1 I)
- Adrenal Glands (+1 WS)
- Enhanced Sensed (+1 BF)
- Hooks
- Leaping
- Toxinsacs (+1 S)
- 2 x death spitter
- 1 x Devourer
- 1 x Rending Claws
- 2 x Scything Talons
- - - > 144 Punkte (4 KP)

- 1 x barbed strangler
- 1 x Scything Talons
- - - > 113 Pts (7KP)

*************** 4 Troops ***************

8 Gaunts
- Devourer
- Without number
- - - > 80 Punkte (5 KP)

11 Hormagaunts
- Adrenalin Glands (+1 I)
- Adrenalin Glands (+1 WS)
- Toxin Sacs (+1 S)
- - - > 154 Pts (2 KP)

6 Symbionten
- Scouts
- - - > 114 Pts (3KP)

6 Symbionten
- Scouts
- - - > 114 Pts (3KP)

*************** 1 Fast Attack ***************

2 Ravenors
- 2 x Scything Talons & Rending Claws
- - - > 80 Pts (2 KP)

*************** 3 Heavy Support ***************

2 Zoantrophs
+ Zoantroph
- Psychic Scream
- Warp Lightning
+ Zoantroph
as above
- - - > 130 Pts (10 KP)

- Enhanced Senses
- 1 x Barbed Strangler
- 1 x Biozid Cannon
- - - > 148 Pts (11KP)

1 Biovore
- Acid
- - - > 55 Pts (0KP)


Chief Librarian Tigurius 230 Pts (6KP)
5 Terminators 200 Pkt., 1 x heavy flamer 5 Pkt.
- - - > 205 Pts (5 KP)

5 Assault Terminators 200 Pkt., 3 x thunder hammer and storm shield (8KP)
+ Land Raider Redeemer 240 Pkt., multi-melta 10 Pkt. -> 250 Pkt. (20KP)
- - - > 450 Punkte

Venerable Dreadnought 165 Punkte, heavy flamer 10 Pkt., assault cannon
10 Pkt., close combat weapon kostenlos, extra armour 15 Pkt.
+ Drop Pod 35 Pkt., storm bolter kostenlos -> 35 Pkt.
- - - > 235 Punkte (8KP)

5 Space Marines 80 Pkt., Upgrade zum Sergeant 10 Pkt.
- - - > 90 Punkte (1KP)

10 Space Marines 160 Pkt., meltagun 5 Pkt., missile launcher
kostenlos, Upgrade zum Sergeant 10 Pkt., 1 x power weapon 15 Pkt.
- - - > 190 Punkte (3 KP)

Thunderfire Cannon 100 Punkte
- - - > 100 Punkte (3KP)

They won the pairing roll-off, and they countered Simon's army with their 1st marine army.
Simon got to choose a table and got a very open table perfectly suited to shoot up the other marine army.

Peter's nids vs. the Tigurius army:

Stefan vs. the nid army:

Daemons vs. eldar:

Notice how crappy all 4 tables are?

Yea, Simon's table gave him an advantage, but the terrain had been better if it was spread a little more around instead of being overcrowded with big impassable cliffs on 3 tables and next to nothing on 1 table.

Stefan had an okay match-up vs. the nids but unfortunately the nid player rolled a lot of 6's and exploded or destroyed several rhinos and speeders in the first turns of the game.

Peter lost to the Tigirius army - they decided it was okay to deepstrike lictors out of the cliffs, and only the pyramid was completely impassable as it was impossible to balance any models upon it.

Simon blasted the other marine army off the board as expected and won a game for us.

My game vs. eldar:

We tried to get my army to pair off against the eldar, as the eldar player had a lot of S6 fire power, which is good at downing speeders or putting several wounds on nid MC's every round.

Look at the table, see the 2 big cliffs in the middle? There's another one just to the right outside the pic. This meant it was very risky to deepstrike in the whole midfield of the table!

Mission was score table quarters.

Deployment: spearhead.

I got my preferred wave.

I started by losing my herald to a mishap on the middle cliff, which was very bad as my herald is the only unit with a higher I than the harlequins.

A rather risky deepstrike put a fiend unit on target in a crater on the eldar players left flank, to lure the harlequins away, so I could swamp his right flank.

Unfortunately I scattered all the killy units far away from his lines.

Second wave units: I deepstruck a plague bearer unit in front of his right flank between the left cliff on the pic, and the table edge - mishapped and they died.

I deepstriked another plague bearer unit in the same place and they were on target to screen a 12 hound unit behind them, which were also mostly on target (they scattered farther away than intended but at least they were still within charge range).

So I had to sacrifice one plague bearer unit, and lost another unit in the process... just to give my hounds some cover saves so they hopefully survived his shooting phase.

More bad luck was coming my way, the plague bearers survived the eldar shooting phase but when his seer council charged in I didn't pass a single save or FNP... and the whole unit disintegrated.
So he took the plague bearer bait but still got to screen his units with the seer council denying my multicharge into a guardian unit, the warwalkers and the council.

For the whole game I had a single plague bearer unit in either corner of the table as far away as possible from his DZ quarter and his left flank quarter.

The hounds charged the council and died horribly as expected but it was that or go around the big cliff while being shot at for at least 2 turns.

In my turn 3 of the game I had so far only killed a single guardian... and my opponent was so baffled by my completely crappy dice that he told me several times that he had never seen anyone roll that bad :)

Turn 4 of the game he made a critical mistake, which almost cost him the game.

2 fiends survived the fight with the harlequins. 1 fiend survived the eldar shooting phase and now got charged by the avatar.

There was a good possibility that the avatar would kill the fiend but I saved 1 of 2 wounds, then I passed my hit and run init check and ran 15" towards a guardian squad, which had moved into my left quarter contesting my plague bearer unit (you had to have a scoring unit worth at least twice as much as the enemy scoring unit to claim a quarter).

I charge the decimated guardian unit (7 guardians left in the unit) with my S6 fiend, kill 2 guardians, and they hit back needing 4+ to hit with their 5 combined attacks, 5+ to wound my T4 fiend, and they kill it by doing 4 wounds...!

If that guardian unit had died, as it should!  :P   then I would have claimed 2 quarters and drawed the game.

Last charge of the game was a 3 man jetbike squad + 1 warlock going into my right flank quarter.
I charge the bikes with 5 hounds, and 5 plague bearers.

Hounds kill 3 bikes, warlock strikes back and kill a plague bearer.

Plague bearers hit 6 times, and wound 6 times by rolling 6 sixes on the die!!! WTF?!

Warlock died and we each held 2 quarters because he had been too slow to move one of his units into my right flank quarter and expected the bikes to be enough (can't blame him when everything else went his way during that game).

13-7 to the eldar.

As game 4 they had a combined comp of 15 vs. our 23, the round ended 42-38 to Fröschli Gang.   
Min blog: Best served cold

How fun are Dark eldar? Like duct taping a hundred knives to a bicycle and riding it through a children's playground and then crashing into a tree.


The final score placed The Execrators as team 14, if we had won the last round we would have been in top 10 even though we hadn't looked much at the comp system, and didn't get our heads together to discuss army lists beforehand :)

Some bad tables and seriously crappy dice rolls in a couple of games cost us some much needed wins.

It was a very nice tournament, no rules lawyering, no bitching, no arguments - just a bunch of very nice players even though it was a competitive environment.

I will definitely go to this tournament again if I can scrape another team together.

1. May 2010 there is a similar tournament in Paris. This is the French qualification tournament for ETC.

4 player teams, 2000 point lists.

At the moment I don't know much about it but it would be cool if we could get a couple of Danish teams together to go to Paris in May  :)
Min blog: Best served cold

How fun are Dark eldar? Like duct taping a hundred knives to a bicycle and riding it through a children's playground and then crashing into a tree.


Quote...couple of Danish teams together to go to Paris in May
Det skal vi fandme.

Cool writeup du lavede her, Chris. Det var en ren skandale tyranidhær vi havde med, desværre. Og dit held med dine Daemons kunne have været bedre - to say the least!

Mine Marines klarede sig godt, som forventet :) 4 wins og 1 loss til dem. Ret tåbeligt spil jeg tabte dog :( Jeg lavede en fejl - indrømmet (skulle ikke have holdt bikes i reserve). Men mit held var godt nok også til lukke op og..... i!  ;D

Jeg er 100% klar på at give den gas i Sverige igen næste år. Det var samte sjovt :)



Fed post!

Der skal en bedre holdindsats til næste gang - er klar på en omgang til  ;D
Kompmallen til Danske turneringer? for mere variation i hærene


Ja, det var en fed turnering! Jeg tror nogle af de borde hvor terrænet ikke lige var optimalt på, havde noget at gøre med at de pludselig fik 5-10 hold mere end de havde forventet.

Jeg er helt klart frisk på både Paris 1. maj, og næste holdturnering i Sverige, hvis vi kan få stablet et eller flere hold på benene  :)
Min blog: Best served cold

How fun are Dark eldar? Like duct taping a hundred knives to a bicycle and riding it through a children's playground and then crashing into a tree.